
May 10, 20221 min

Why Wheat Should Be Avoided

Updated: Jun 9, 2022

Wheat raises blood sugar levels, causes immunoreactivity problems, inhibits the absorption of important minerals and aggravates our intestines.

Much of this may stem from the fact that wheat simply isn’t what it used to be. Hybridized wheat indeed! Today’s wheat is a far cry from what it was 50 years ago. Back in the 1950s, scientists began cross-breeding wheat to make it harder, shorter, and better-growing. This work, which was the basis for the Green Revolution – and one that won U.S. plant scientist Norman Borlaug the Nobel Prize – introduced some compounds to wheat that aren’t entirely human friendly.

Today’s hybridized wheat contains sodium azide, a known toxin. It also goes through a gamma irradiation process during manufacturing, and contains novel proteins that aren’t typically found in the plant, some of which are difficult for us to properly digest.

The gliadin and glutenin are acting as immunogenic anti-nutrients. Grains create an immunogenic response which increases intestinal permeability, thus triggering systemic inflammation by the immune system, which can lead to any number of autoimmune diseases, including celiac, rheumatoid arthritis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

The gliadin degrades to a morphine-like compound after eating, what creates an appetite for more wheat; therefore, wheat actually has an addictive quality to it. The glycemic index of wheat is very high and raises blood sugar. It contains amylopectin A, which is more efficiently converted to blood sugar than just about any other carbohydrate, including table sugar.
